All songs written by Amos.
1. "Pretty Good Year" – 3:25
2. "God" – 3:58
3. "Bells For Her" – 5:20
4. "Past the Mission" (feat. Trent Reznor) – 4:05
5. "Baker Baker" – 3:20
6. "The Wrong Band" – 3:03
7. "The Waitress" – 3:09
8. "Cornflake Girl" – 5:06
9. "Icicle" – 5:47
10. "Cloud on My Tongue" – 4:44
11. "Space Dog" – 5:10
12. "Yes, Anastasia" – 9:33
Under the Pink," Tori Amos' second solo album, continues the singer/songwriter's exploration of her life's journey from the confines of a strict religious upbringing to personal and artistic freedom. She is armed with an attention-grabbing mezzo-soprano and lyrics that can kill with a turn of phrase. And Amos is still unsatisfied. God, parents, boyfriends, girlfriends, herself: No one escapes judgment.
Once again, Amos accompanies herself on piano, with drums, bass and guitar assisting; the occasional string arrangement or synth is added for not-so-subtle effect.
Her acoustic bent is well served on the album: The piano is not hidden beneath grandiose group arrangements as it was on her previous outing Little Earthquakes (1992), and her quirky hesitations and sudden shrieks are more in tune with the emotional states of her characters. Under the Pink still doesn't match Amos' riveting, piano-only live performances, but it sure comes close.
Under the Pink is Amos' honest reporting of a life fraught with turmoil and disappointment. Can it take her beyond her devoted cult to greater popularity? Possibly. The album is focused, the lyrics quirky and personable, the melodies eccentric enough to entice and simple enough to be catchy. Those qualities – and her emotional fearlessness – make Tori Amos a musical find to treasure.Marie Elsie St. Leger
2 comentarios:
Thanks for this!!! For me Tori Amos is the best pianist-singer ever!!!!
thank you very much
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