Autor: Henryk Gorecki (1933-presente)
Obra: Sinfonía Nº 3 (Sorrowful Songs)
Un cachito de información robada del wiki:
Symphony No. 3, Op. 36, also known as the Symphony of Sorrowful Songs (Polish: Symfonia pieśni żałosnych), is a symphony in three movements composed by Henryk Górecki in Katowice, Poland, between October and December 1976. The work is indicative of the transition between Górecki's dissonant earlier manner and his more tonal later style.
A solo soprano sings a different Polish text in each of the three movements. The first is a 15th-century Polish lament of Mary, mother of Jesus, the second a message written on the wall of a Gestapo cell during World War II, and the third a Silesian folk song of mother searching for son killed in the Silesian uprisings.[1]
The first and third movements are written from the perspective of a
parent who has lost a child, and the second movement from that of a
child separated from a parent. The dominant themes of the symphony are
motherhood and separation through war.
Es de lo más emotivo, solemne y enternecedor que escuché. Una verdadera lástima que compositores como este sean prácticamente desconocidos, incluso en círculos "académicos".
El "género" vendría a ser minimalismo sacro, en una línea similar a la de Arvo Pärt (ya voy a subir algo del tío Arvo también

Video del 2º Movimiento
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